We make way for the new & possible

We implement efficient technology solutions that deliver real value for people. The training, tools, processes and technologies we use are aimed at empowering every-day life

Join the digital experience

Why Dig out?

Join A Holistic Customer Experience ecosystem Our Customer experience is the North Star for investors aiming to drive business growth. Contact us investors.relation@october31.com



Our partners

We make way for the new & possible

We understand that in a digital world, nothing can be accomplished without a deep understanding of emerging technology. Wave after wave of innovation we will continually change the apps and services we provide


Our Philosophy

We make way for the new & possible

We use the best technologies to impact everyday life, our model is to produce effective apps that meet an identified need


Our Vision

We make way for the new & possible

Consumer demands have evolved. The time has come to satisfy them and sixteen new opportunities for growth. we put emerging, connected and intelligent technologies at the service of the consumer. 


Our Tech

The good ecosystem.

Join A Holistic Customer Experience ecosystem Our Customer experience is the North Star for investors aiming to drive business growth. A powerful key inhibitor is a lack of alignment between customer experience teams, employees, and partners. Ideally, each of these groups form a mutually reinforcing ecosystem of value


Our Lab

What does it take to be a Leader

From insights to action, the path to 360° value starts here. we are looking for trusted partner consultants using data, insights and industry insights that drive business results to win in the digital world. Submit your resume on jobs@octobre31.com



We make way for the new & possible

Contact Us : 5 Penn Plaza, 23rd Floor, New York, New York 10001 investors.relation@octobre31.com



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